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Extinguish the Risk of Fires Spreading in Your Home

Happy Fire Safety Friday!

Fire extinguishers play a crucial role in the event of a fire, however they are not the only tool to help you and your family’s safety in the event of an emergency.

For a fire to ignite, three components must be present: oxygen, heat and fuel. These three will create a chemical reaction and fire will ignite. The purpose of a fire extinguisher is to essentially smother the fire by cutting off the oxygen supply. By removing oxygen, the fire will extinguish and the reaction will cease.

To use a fire extinguisher, you must use P.A.S.S.:

P-Pull the pin

A- Aim at the base of the fire

S-Squeeze the handle

S- Sweep from side to side until the fire is out.

Only use fire extinguishers if you feel that you can safely extinguish the fire. If the fire is small and the room is clear from smoke, you may use a fire extinguisher. Do not attempt to extinguish the fire if it is blocking an exit. If there is any doubt that you cannot contain it, do not try. Simply get out of your house quickly and call 911 immediately.

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