Holiday Safety
The Facts
Electrical Distribution or lighting equipment was involved within 35% of home Christmas Tree Fires
The Top 3 Days for home candle fires are:
New Year's Eve
Christmas Eve
40% of homes fires that involve Christmas Trees start in January
Decking the Halls
Choose flame resistant or retardant decorations.
Keep lit candles away from decorations or flammable objects.
When using lights..
use lights for intended use, some are only indoor or outdoor lights.​
Replace lights with worn or broken cords, or loose bulb connections.
Read instructions on how many lights can connect.
Use clips to hang lights, not nails, to not damage the cords.
Keep decorations from windows and doors.
NFPA Winter Holiday Safety Video
To view in full-screen mode, open video in Youtube using controls above.
Hosting Your Holiday Party
Test smoke alarms monthly.
Inform guests of home fire escape plans.
Keep matches and lighters locked away and out of reach.
Stay in kitchen when cooking.
Don't allow smoking in the house. Ask smokers to smoke outside and extinguish smoking materials in an appropriate fashion.
Blow out candles before leaving house or sleeping
Christmas Trees
Choose a tree that is fresh with green needles.
Cut 2" from the trunk of the tree before placing in the stand.
Make sure tree is at least three feet away any heat sources
including space heaters, fireplaces, radiators, candles, or vents​
Do not block exits with tree.
Add water to the tree stand, and be sure to water tree daily.
Never use lit candles to decorate the tree.
Always turn off and unplug tree lights and decorations before going to sleep.
After Christmas, promptly get rid of tree. The longer the tree is in the home the more flammable it becomes. Look in your community for tree recycling centers. Fires caused from Christmas trees are rare, but when they do occur they are more destructive and potentially fatal.

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