Home Fire Escape Plans
When the alarm sounds: Get out and stay Out!
Eighty percent of fire deaths happen in the home. That's why is important to have working smoke alarms and a plan to get out of the home in case of fire
Develop a Home Escape Plan
Know two ways out of every room in your home for example, a door and a window
Make sure stairways, hallways, and exits are clear of furniture and clutter.
Choose a meeting place outside of the home and a safe distance away from the home.
Have a ready escape plan for those who need assistance such as those with disabilities, older adults, or young children.
Make a Safe Escape!
When a smoke alarm sounds and there is smoke or fire, get out and stay out!
Use your home escape plan to determine your exits. If your initial exit is blocked use your secondary exit.
If you must go through smoke, stay low to the ground and keep moving toward your exit.
Close all doors behind you.
Once outside, stay outside and call 911 from your meeting place.
If someone is trapped within the home, let the dispatcher know the location of the person.
NFPA KIds on Home Fire Escape Plans
To watch in full screen, please open video in YouTube using controls above.
Close your Door!
By closing your bedroom door at night, in the event of a fire; the smoke, heat, toxic gases, and flames can be held back giving you and your family more time to escape using a secondary exit!
If your door is closed, and you believe there is a fire, avoid grabbing the door handle. Feel the door with the back of your hand. If it is normal temperature, you may open the door. If the door is hot, use your secondary exit to escape the building!
Visit CloseYourDoor.org and take the pledge to close your bedroom door every night!

Find more resources below!
NFPA Home Fire Escape Plan Tip Sheet