Outdoor and Summer Safety
Outdoor Cooking Devices
Before cooking on the grill, establish a 3 foot kid and pet free zone to prevent any burns or knocking the grill over.
Check the connections between the propane tank and fuel lines before and after cooking. To check, take soapy water and apply up and down the hose, if bubbles are produced you might have a leak and should replace the hose before use.
Make sure to turn off the gas line after cooking. Do not overfill the propane tank.
Make sure you are not cooking within 10 feet of any structure, trees or flammable objects. Be sure to not use cooking devices on a deck, balcony, or within an enclosed area.
Take caution when using lighter fluid. Adding lighter fluid to an already lit flame can cause it to flash and explode.
Keep matches, lighters and lighter fluid away from children and out of reach.
Avoid wearing loose fitting clothing to prevent catching yourself on fire. If clothing does catch on fire: Stop, Drop, Cover your face, and Roll.
The NFPA believes that Turkey Fryers are unsafe for consumers.
Turkey fryers can easily tip over spilling hot oil across a large area.
An overfilled cooking pot will cause oil to spill over when the turkey is placed inside.
A partially frozen turkey will cause hot oil to splatter.
Turkey fryers can easily overheat and start a fire.
The pot, lid and handles of a turkey fryer can get dangerously hot and cause burn injuries.
Due to these hazards, MD Life Safety would like to discourage the use of turkey fryers.

Wildfire Safety and Prevention
Clear all leaves and vegetative debris out of the gutters, roof, and deck
Keep a 10 foot buffer-zone around your home from dead vegetation
Keep all flammable materials such as wood piles and propane tanks at least 30 feet away from your home.
Trim trees so the lowest branches are 6-10 feet from the ground.
All of the tips listed above are to help reduce the spread and start of a wildfire if one were to occur and to protect your home.

Recreational Fires
Never leave a fire unattended
Use a fire pit, or make one using stones surrounding the fire.
Have appropriate permits if necessary
Always have a water source nearby to extinguish the fire
Make sure the fire is completely out before leaving, drown all embers and ashes. If no water is available, use sand and dirt to smother the fire.
If it's too hot to touch, it's too hot to leave
Click here to find out more about outdoor cooking devices and recreational fires...
Water Safety
Empty buckets and drain bathtubs after you use them
Put a fence that is at least 4 feet high around all pools and spas
Have a gate that closes and locks by itself
Empty blow-up or kiddie pools when they are not being used.
When you leave the pool, put all pool toys away.
Have a pool expert check and make sure you have the proper drain covers.
Stay within an arm's reach of children when they are in or around water.
Watch children around all bodies of water including streams, ponds, lakes, etc.
Watch children in the bathtubs, toilets, and buckets.
Know how to swim, take lessons if needed. Make sure to sign your children up for lessons.
Learn CPR so you can help save someone in an emergency.
Have children wear U.S Coast Guard approved life jackets in and around pools/open water.
Do Not use floaties or armbands, they are NOT safe.