Traffic Safety
Vehicle collisions are one of the top leading causes of deaths in the country. By following the traffic laws and taking caution to traffic conditions, you can reduce the risks involved with driving.
Maryland Law now requires all drivers to move over when approaching and passing emergency vehicles or tow trucks on the roadway or shoulder.
Laws of the Road
All drivers and passengers must wear seat-belts.
Maryland's child safety seat law requires any child under the age of 8 to be in a safety seat fit to the child's age, height, and weight.
It is illegal to text and drive for any age and hand-held cell-phone use.
Headlights must be turned on if conditions of the road are poor and visibility is limited.
Maryland has very strict and enforced drinking and driving laws. The Blood Alcohol Concentration is now a .07 limit for a DUI, one of the lowest in the country.
Keeping our children safe, it is required that vehicles stop for school buses with red flashers on.
Safe Driving Tips
It is recommended to keep tires properly inflated, a good amount of fuel in the tank, and windows clean and in good condition.
Be sure to obey all posted speed limits, and lower your speed due to road or weather conditions.
Maintain safe distances between you and the vehicle in front of you. You should be at least three seconds behind the person in front of you.
Pick a stationary object along the side of the road, when the vehicle in front of you passes that object begin counting to 3 seconds. If you pass the object before you counted to 3 seconds, you are following to close!​
Be aware of all traffic around you. If something were to happen, give yourself enough time to react.
Avoid driving in large truck's blind spot's.
Signal all turns and lane changes.
Be cautious and considerate of pedestrians and cyclists.
If you are involved in a collision...
It is required by Maryland law that you give the others involved:
Your Driver's License Information​
Vehicle Registrations
Insurance information
If possible remove your vehicles from the travel lanes.

All information and traffic laws provided from the Maryland State Highway Administration. To find out more, please visit the link below.